邢唷> .0-欹'` 餜h!bjbjLULU2$.?.?~ ,<<<<<<<vT 8  > > > > > $h@fCQ< C<<> >  <> <>  <<> 2 怶見=溗 0"<  CC    Pdr<<<<<<  Effects of treatment with carnitines in infertile patients with prostato-vesiculo-epididymitis. YT鎉薳墍眡鎉薳墍眡 + YNp戞]薳墍眡 (W籰梪MRRz伨|蔞D杶w巔 N瞼莡舥篘剉梪He Vicari E , Calogero A E . 0齎篘{|u杒Bg譥 0Hum Reprod 2001;16(11):2338-42. BACKGROUND: We have recently shown that patients with prostato-vesiculoepididymitis (PVE) have a greater reactive oxygen species (ROS) overproduction than patients with prostatitis or prostato-vesiculitis. Since this biochemical stress persists even after treatment with antimicrobials, it may relate to an imbalance between pro- and anti-oxidant factors at the epididymal level. 虁ofb霳g褟翄f哊MRRz 緗蔞 D杶w巔PVE 剉舥篘詋MRUS瘇剉Rz亷pbMRRz 緗蔞巔舥篘齹u鬴Y剉;m'`'lGr璭ROS 0sS縊(WO(u梑虄BR籰梪KNT 購蛓uirSf[ir(峗NON魐c韣X[(W 僛颯齹黐魜(WD杶w4ls^ N剉睳'l'`孴梑'l'`郪P[KN魰剉1Ya0 METHODS: To evaluate the effects of antioxidant treatment of patients with PVE, whether in the presence or absence of prooxidant factors, abacterial PVE infertile patients with normal (< 1 x 106/ml, group A, n =34) or abnormal (> 1 x 106/ml, group B, n = 20) seminal white blood cell (WBC) concentrations received carnitines (L-carnitine 1 g and acetyl- carnitine 0.5 g twice/day) for 3 months followed by a wash-out period of 3 months. Semen parameters, ROS production and pregnancy outcome were evalsuated before, during and following carnitine treatment. 筫誰:N膵0OO(u梑'lSBR籰梪PVE舥篘剉He済 b霳\^椘~虄'`PVE剉舥篘 N/f&TX[(W睳'l郪 }0 cgq諲霳緗瞞}v苸迉WBC Sm/fck8^:Nh芉R:N$N膥 Ack8^膥 n =34 緗瞞-N剉WBC< 1 x 106/ml B膥/f_8^膥 n = 20 緗瞞-N剉WBC>1x106/ml0舥篘 g(u YT鎉薳墍眡鎉薳墍眡 蟢!k1g 錘蔛YNp戞]薳墍眡 蟢!k0.5g 蟢)Y$N!k g(u3*Ng 6qT\P(u3*Ng0(W籰梪KNMR0g魰孴KNTR+R鵞緗P[(嵪懧Spe0ROSupe蠎錘蔛/f&T`U[蹚L埨hKm0 RESULTS: Carnitines   L N P ` b v x   ;<fg   (*2F蹯蹯犰葚胸休禽慷凯犊斂斂嫮~叇叇叇厏叇潶潶 h+"H*KH h+"KHh+"CJKHo(h+"CJH*KHh+"KH\乷( h+"KHo(h+"5並Ho(h+"5丆JKHh+"CJKHh+"OJQJo(h+"OJQJ h+"o(h+"h+"5丆JKHo(h+"5丆JKHh+"5丆JKHo(1  N O f !!!!!!! !$!&!(!$a$!f!FP`hf l ! !!!!!!! !"!*!8!f NM/f芠R鴙sQ剉 sS縊(W\P(u YT鎉薳墍眡T剉3*Ng匭 ROS剉u_NN魐軴c@wM朜O剉縍`0鵞嶯B膥舥篘eg矉 YT鎉薳墍眡臢衏貧哊b;m緗P[剉~vR詋緗P[pe蠎 0\P(u鎉薳墍眡剉3*Ng匭 A膥舥篘剉`U[噑f>f貧嶯B膥舥篘剉`U[噑 11.74/34 詋00 CONCLUSION: These results indicate that carnitines are only an effective treatment in patients with abacterial PVE and elevated ROS production when seminal WBC concentration is normal. 觺簨購汵觺済hf鵞嶯緗P[}v苸迉WBC Smck8^臽礠 N剉^椘~虄'`PVE孴uROS儚Y剉舥篘eg魦 YT鎉薳墍眡鎉薳墍眡 + YNp戞]薳墍眡 /fN蛓 gHe剉籰梪筫誰0     PROXEEDTM'k鹼Rf[/gJTKN踁 (!*!R!T!V!X!Z!\!^!`!b!d!f!h!$a$ 0182P皞. 捌A!皧"皧#5$慅%靶靶 愋J@J ck噀 $1$a$ CJKH_HaJmH nHsH tH$A$ 貫祂=刉[SOFi@F nf恏